With contact centers under increasing pressure to make their resources more accessible to their customers and reduce costs, recent research from the Aberdeen Group reveals that hosting contact center capabilities is one of the top three strategic initiatives companies will take in the next few years.
On demand contact centers delivered in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offer significant benefits to your organization's customer service department:
Hosted solutions provide for lower overall monthly costs to firms and friendlier agreement terms.
Significant reduction in Telecommunication costs.
Increased breadth of functionality and greater user adoption.
Also, implementing hosted contact center capabilities has a huge impact on a company's customer relations:
Companies that utilize a hosted contact center strategy report customer satisfaction rates of greater than 91%.
These companies also see notable improvements of 11% in first call resolution/contact closure rate.
Learn more about these benefits of hosted/on-demand contact center strategies and other detailed research findings from the Aberdeen Group report about "Contact Center On-Demand: Right Price Right Results", sponsored by Neocase Software.
This report was written by Aberdeen Group, Sponsored By Neocase Software.
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