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The Must-Have Email Marketing Holiday Data Report

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"The Must-Have Email Marketing Holiday Data Report"

We analyzed the performance of more than 475 million holiday emails to uncover the insights you need to know!

Email is centric to all successful holiday and overall marketing strategies. The when, what and how often to send are often the biggest questions that all retailers struggle to answer. A gut instinct isn't enough to inform decisions when email volumes are at an all-time high, and meeting revenue goals can make or break your bottom line. Our Holiday Data Report is the must-have guide to key statistics and trends in holiday email marketing to ensure your email program is maximizing response and success rates in the holidays and beyond.

In this report, you'll find data insights into staple email marketing metrics such as:

  • Open rates
  • Click-to-open rates
  • Purchase conversion
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Revenue Per Thousand (RPM)
Get our essential benchmark guide now for the email marketing data and trends you need to take into 2015!

Offered Free by: Sailthru, Inc.
See All Resources from: Sailthru, Inc.

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