Many companies report that the most challenging aspect of successful e-mail marketing lies in finding employees with the expertise to properly develop and implement an e-mail strategy. A recent survey by InsideUp found that for 70 percent of B2B companies, lack of expertise within their firm and the difficulty finding qualified people to do the work were the biggest obstacles to successful online marketing.
In this informative guide from InsideUp, the E-mail Marketing Services information experts, you will learn how to select the best E-mail Marketing Services providers. And to provide you with everything you would need before making a decision, they'll also include several free, no obligation price quotes by e-mail/phone.
E-mail is proving to be one of the most effective means of initiating contact with and nurturing B2B leads and can be a very effective tool for building trust with your existing and potential customers.
Finding a quality e-mail marketing company to take care of your needs can save your company considerable expense, in terms of labor hours as well as internal bandwidth and e-mail server processing power. Moreover, you will have the advantage of the e-mail provider's expertise in all aspects of e-mail marketing, such as list management, customized content, deliverability, testing and tracking, and regulatory compliance.
Offered Free by: InsideUp, Inc.
See All Resources from: InsideUp, Inc.
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