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The Impact of Microsoft.NET on the ERP Market

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"The Impact of Microsoft.NET on the ERP Market"

.NET is based on recognition that the Internet is the application platform of the future. This statement can be viewed as the underlying goal of .NET, the root cause of all the commotion.

For years, Microsoft has been adding Internet-related features to its products. But these changes have really only been skin-deep. To attain the new .NET goal, Microsoft products must evolve to actually run on the Internet. Before the importance of .NET is clouded by all the marketing hoopla, let's examine the core concepts of .NET and what .NET means for manufacturing companies. This paper will:

  • Explore the roots of .NET
  • Give a quick overview of .NET technology
  • Conclude with a discussion of how the changes .NET portends will be particularly interesting for manufacturing companies

Offered Free by: Consona Corp
See All Resources from: Consona Corp

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