72.4% of consumers are more likely to buy products in their own language. How is your company responding to the language opportunity? Download this white paper from Smartling to learn more.
Speaking just one language to customers is not enough. Here are some key things you need to know about the global language opportunity:
In-language content positively affects likelihood of purchase. A study of 2,430 web consumers in eight countries found that 72.4% of consumers said they would be more likely to buy a product with information in their own language.
Customers are willing to pay more for information in their own languages. The same study found that more than half of consumers were willing to pay more to companies that provide information in their languages.
Internet users nearly always visit websites in their own language. A European Commission study based on a Gallup survey from 23 countries revealed that 9 out of 10 internet users always visit websites in their languages when given a choice.
Nearly half of shoppers refuse to buy without information in their languages. The same EU study showed that 42% of consumers never purchase products or services in other languages.
Even people fluent in other languages prefer to buy in their native languages. Call it the comfort factor – people prefer not to have to work too hard to get information that shapes their purchasing decision.
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