Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson is the ideal book for anyone looking to really take your energy and wellness to the next level and at the same time improve the quality of your sleep.
Sleep Smarter is a quick and easy read packed with facts, studies and scientific insight all about getting better quality sleep. Shawn takes you through the essential components of a good nights sleep. The book also contains a few surprises about how much impact sleep has on your day to day health. When you improve the quality of your sleep, almost every aspect of your life improves, including, yes… you guessed it, your productivity. By the end of the book, you'll definitely be settling in for a good nights sleep.
In this summary, we’ll briefly outline Stevenson’s top 21 tips for getting a good night sleep. These vary from avoiding screens before bed, to getting exercise to creating night-time routines. After reading this summary, hopefully, you'll be amazed at how much of an impact sleep has on your health and productivity and you’ll be ready to make some changes!
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