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10 Endpoint Security Problems and How the Cloud Solves them for McAfee Users

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"10 Endpoint Security Problems and How the Cloud Solves them for McAfee Users"

According to IDC, 70 percent of successful breaches begin at the endpoint. If you’re a McAfee user, and still have breaches that occur at the endpoint, then something isn’t working. Perhaps you’re struggles to prevent advanced attacks, or your security team is burdened by maintaining overly complex policies.

If you’re experiencing any of these challenges, as yourself these questions for a cybersecurity reality check:

  • Does McAfee provide you with the robust capabilities you need?
  • Are your McAfee solutions slowing user endpoints down?
  • Can you easily identify how threats happen and close security gaps?

Download the eBook to learn more!

Offered Free by: Carbon Black, Inc.
See All Resources from: Carbon Black, Inc.

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