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The Trade Publisher's Source for Qualified Subs

If you are in search of direct request, qualified names that meet BPA & ABC auditing standards, is a cost-effective, easy-to-use service for circulation professionals.

Your qualification form
Our 15,000+ member partner network
No promotions or gimmicks
U.S. and International names
Easy, no-hassle set-up

Click here for a Quick Tour on how TradePub works

Our "3-Step Qualification Process" ensures you receive qualified names that fit your demographic and geographic criteria: (See Client List)

Step 1 - Targeted Audience: our vast network of best-of-breed partner websites, gives you access to pre-qualified audiences that are right for your title. No names are generated from large portal sites, but from hand selected, B2B industry sites.

Step 2 - Qualified Leads: professional individuals select your title from a small set of publications that match their professional interests. No gimmicks or promotions are ever used to stimulate response!

Step 3 - Filtered Demographics: using our filtering technology, we only send you the names you really want to receive. We use your qualification form, as well as your approved filtering criteria to qualify subscribers.